Herpes outbreak in mouth following chemo

Herpes outbreak in mouth following chemo

Postby svl » Tue May 01, 2012 7:06 pm

I did a general search of this forum but did not find any posts related to herpes blossoming in the mouth after chemo.

I had mitomycin on Monday, a bag of 5-FU infused from Monday - Friday and on Saturday had mouth full of thrush. Couldn't eat or drink much, ended up in Emergency for IV fluids Sunday early am sent home with Nystatin mouth rinse for candida.
Went to Radiation (day 6) on Monday and Rad MD says "herpetic outbreak with vesicules". Entire interior mouth, tongue and throat coated with small blisters, feels like papercuts with rock salt rubbed in which crystalize and flake off, chunks of tissue hanging from gums, liquid acyclovere ordered along with liquid morphine for the pain. So called "Magic Mouthwash" with lidocaine of minimal help.

Torture to swallow but I must keep hydrated and drinking Ensure/Boost for calories/protein.

Anyone else get this or know of anything that helps alleviate?
Yes, I have genital herpes but so far it has not exploded. Never had any oral herpes mouth "cold" sores but lips are starting to crack after 3 days so that is probably on its way, too.
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Re: Herpes outbreak in mouth following chemo

Postby sharon » Fri May 04, 2012 12:06 am

You may want to look at this recent NCI article:
--> Oral Complications of Chemotherapy

And, this very recent article, from the UK-NHS, may give you some new ideas for care and treatment:
--> NHS - Guidelines for Oral Care for Chemotherapy Patients
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This post should not be considered medical advice. Review all information with your doctor.
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Re: Herpes outbreak in mouth following chemo

Postby svl » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:25 pm

Thank you for the informative reply. Sorry I have not responded earlier. BTW-I am doing fine now, with no mouth problems.-SVL
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