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Mandatory Member Roll Call

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:47 pm
by sharon

Mandatory Member Roll Call

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:59 pm
by sharon
I have three things that I need all members to consider and participate in over the next 10 days. The first two are mandatory if you want to continue participating in the forums. The last one is optional and requires some volunteers.

1. Enter the email address in your email program Address Book and use the name Rare Cancer to define it. This MAY help to insure that our emails do NOT go into your Spam/Bulk folders.

2. I need to do a Roll Call of all Rare Cancer Forum participants. I would like to complete that within the next 10 days. Login with your registration Username and Password and do as instructed in this post (Click On Link):
--> Mandatory Roll Call Link

If you have lost your username and password, please email me, using the Contact link, above. Tell me what you would prefer to use for a password. I will find your username and email you back with your new login. Then you MUST participate in the Roll Call.

3. I am looking for several volunteers to help me continue and old project. I would prefer to have people who are NOT necessarily computer savvy. These volunteers will be reviewing and trying to use some documentation that I am putting together on how to use the forums. I want to make sure that this documentation is usable by everyone.